Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Early Morning at Work.


I'm at work at the moment, and my mind is on sabbath. If that doesn't give you a hint as to how my day is going, let me give you a better explanation.

I got to work 45 minutes early today, driving the slow lane the whole way. How? I left at 20 of seven. Why? Because I am worried that my Saturn is going to blow a cylinder and vomit it out of my engine block at 4000 rpm.

Anyway, I walk up to the door, only to find them locked. As a temp I don't have a key. Also, as a temp it's hard to explain to the people with keys, that the only reason I'm tailing them into the building is because I want to get to work.

7:35 rolls around, and I found someone I could bum a card-swipe from, and I thanked her as she lit up another menthol. It has only been about an hour, and I've already accumulated a day's worth of work on my desk. I should be praising God instead, I'm praying for God's mercy to get me out of this job.

My brain is swamped with the anxiety of the young adult ministry, the prospect of a new church plant, the growth and walk of my wife, the giving up of my teaching, the taking up of other responsibilities, our finances, the effort with which I work, the amount of exercise I get, and even the fact I'm a horrible "sabbather."

Don't pity me, infact, you should rebuke me. For a newly-wed, this is way too much on someone's plate. To go on, you could even assume, I enjoy the burdens, that I may say God is using me! God is growing me! When the shameful truth maybe I'm ignoring God's call to rest, and let go.

I can't wait to go home, read some Judges, maybe some 1 Peter, and pray. Talk to my wife, share some laughs with her, pray with her, and hopefully get to bed early.

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