Monday, September 8, 2008

'Idol' banter

A bunch of my friends and I are thinking about getting back into a video game we used to play.

Sounds like a harmless thing, I suppose.

So let me fill you in why this is a choice subject to record and blog about.

While I was dating Tara, and before I knew Jesus my life was:
Marijuana and liquor
Sex on the weekends,
FF XI (the video game) on the weekdays.

Sure I worked. But only enough to pay the monthly fee for FF XI. No that's not true. I need a substantial amount of money to support my drug habbits. For instance, about 2 - 3 grams of pot a day, runs you about 30-50 bucks a day. And the liquor and weed combo once every week or two, runs you about 100 bucks.

So... Lets say I worked enough to make about 200 bucks for my weed habbit, and about 100 bucks for the liqour (per week). Also smoked cigarettes, that's 5 bucks a day, so about... 150 bucks a month. The game is 14 dollars a months, so in reality it's cheap.

But here's the thing about the game. In three years I had accumulated 270 days playtime.

...That's right. About 6480 hours played.

Divide that by 20, and I could've planned and preached about 324 sermons.
Divide that by 2, and I would've gone to 3240 small group meetings.
At an 8.00 dollar wage that's about 51,840 dollars.
I could drive to Myrtle Beach and back 231 times.
I could drive to Walt Disney Land in California and back 90 times.
Driving in general, at the speed limit, I would've gone 421, 200 miles.
Do you know that the Earth (at the equator) has a circumference of 24,902 miles.
--That means I would traveled around the earth almost 17 complete times.

If only I gave God that time.

Alas, no one knows what could've been. The reality is we're thinking about playing this again.
2-3 hours a week, 2-3 times a week.
Meditating and praying on it as we speak. I'll let you know how it goes.

Jesus protect me and my wife, from myself.
In Jesus' name

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